- Duration of individual visit: 01h30 min
- Duration of group visit: 01h30 min
- Groups from 10 to 200 people.
- With children
- In duo
- In Group
- Alone
- In tribe
Languages visit
- French
From 05 April to 02 November | |
Tuesday | Open from 10h to 12h30 and from 14h to 18h |
Wednesday | Open from 10h to 12h30 and from 14h to 18h |
Thursday | Open from 10h to 12h30 and from 14h to 18h |
Friday | Open from 10h to 12h30 and from 14h to 18h |
Saturday | Open from 10h to 12h30 and from 14h to 18h |
Sunday | Open from 10h to 12h30 and from 14h to 18h |
Fermé les lundis, y compris lundis fériés. Fermé le 1er mai. - Ouvert du mardi au dimanche. Fermeture de la billetterie à 17h. Ouvert les jours fériés (sauf lundis et 1er mai)
Type | Price |
Full adult price | 3 € - 5 € |
Discounted rate enfants de 7 à 18 ans, étudiants et demandeurs d'emploi | 3 € |
Group price tarif groupe à partir de 10 personnes sur réservation uniquement 4 € par personne en visite libre, 5 € par personne en visite commentée |
3 € - 5 € |
Price for large families tarif valable pour 2 adultes et 2 enfants | 14 € |
Free of charge Enfant - 7 ans |
Means of payment
- Credit card
- Cheques and postal orders
- Holiday vouchers
Proposed services
- Picnic area
- Auditorium
- Bar cafeteria tea room
- Projection room
- Equipped conference room